Choose Love is an interactive romantic comedy released on Netflix on August 31, 2023. It is directed by Stuart McDonald and the screenplay is written by Josann McGibbon. The film has a runtime of about 1 hour and 17 minutes, where the viewers get to decide the ultimate ending.
The cast of the film includes Laura Marano as Cami, Avan Jogia as Rex, Scott Michael Foster as Paul, Jordi Webber as Jack, Megan Smart, Benjamin Hoetjes, Nell Fisher, Blair Strang and others.
Choose Love Review
The film starts with Cami Conway visiting a psychic to get the answers to the questions about her life. She is a recording engineer but doesn’t particularly like her job as she doesn’t get the creative freedom to pursue what she likes. On the romantic front, she has a good relationship with Paul and is headed towards engagement, marriage and kids.
Yet she feels something is missing. Is it just FOMO and the fear of commitment that goes with it? Or is she actually missing out on an even better career, perhaps the long-abandoned singing career she once dreamed of? And is Paul the love of her life? These are some questions on her mind but the psychic instead sees three suitors in her life and each comes with a life-changing choice. Now it’s up to Cami (or even the viewers) to decide what she would like to pursue or be with.
In the first half, she meets the other two men, except Paul and starts wondering if she really wants to be with him anymore. The first one is Jack Menna, her high school boyfriend whom she calls ‘the one that got away’. The second suitor is Rex Galier, a British Rock star who gives her a chance to produce something meaningful and even explore her childhood dream of singing.
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No matter what you choose in the first half, the story will end up at the point where Cami and Paul have decided to take a break after she freaks out on getting a ring. Lying alone in her bed, she has a dream where the three men try to appeal to her to choose them. Now, this is the point where the story will take shape quite differently from others.
If you are the one to play it safe and want her to be loyal to her boyfriend of three years, then you might choose Paul. The story will end with their happy ending and another crucial decision of keeping the job or not. But it will be a happy ending nonetheless. However, if you want to be a little adventurous and want her to follow along with some whimsical rock star around the country, then her story will take the turn of making her singing dream come true and even have a fling with the hotshot.
Finally, if you are the one who wants Cami to grab the one who got away and choose Jack as her partner, things get a bit intertwined. Even while making the choice, Cami questions the viewers if they are right in choosing Jack, over others. In the first two cases, once you chose the guy then it’s inevitable that they will get together. But with Jack, you once again end up at a point where you could decide to choose Rex or even Paul once again. And if you are stubborn enough and stick with Jack, then in the end you get the option to just stay single (which really is the best-case scenario for a character like Cami).

While interactive titles are quite interesting concepts, Choose Love is no exception. But what takes away all the fun is the awkward acting and animated dialogue that just feels cringe. For once, it was a bad idea to keep on breaking the fourth wall and urge the viewers to make a choice or sometimes even badger them for what they have chosen. The whole thing doesn’t look seamless and it’s hard to connect with the story. In the end, it becomes just a silly game where you would want to make the worst possible choice for Cami.
Rating: 2.5/5
Choose Love is currently available for streaming on Netflix.
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