Delightfully Deceitful Episode 9 Recap/Review: Ro-um’s Homecoming

Delightfully Deceitful Episode 9

Delightfully Deceitful Episode 9 starts off with Moo-young (Kim Dong-wook) taking Ro-um (Chun Woo-hee) back to his home, making her curious why is he being nice despite knowing that she destroyed his family. He then tells her that she is not solely responsible for what happened. She did what was ordered and they both are victims. He also informs Da-jeong that Ro-um is safe, while there’s no sign of Su-ho. After everything that happened, she closes the comic book store, packs her bag and goes away from the place.

Ro-um also visits Yo-han (Yoon Park) and he ends up apologising to her because of his mother. He empathises with her situation and even helps her in getting a ticket to the next train going anywhere. Yet he gives her a deadline of 1 month, within which she needs to come back. He trusts her but isn’t sure if she will actually come back and shares the same with Moo-young. Yo-han also gets contact for his therapist as he has been suffering from insomnia. Everyone thinks that Su-ho has been shot but he is alright and under Jay’s care. He has changed his side and wants to work with Jang Kyung-ja again.

After encountering Ro-um, Kyung-ja fears that the President will actually get curious about what happened and why Ro-um decided to steal from her. As feared, a man approaches her and tries to find out what Ro-um was seeking. Kyung-ja lies about it but she is assigned to join hands with a man named Ma Kang-soo, who is about to be released from prison. He works for the president in running some scamming companies hiding in plain sight. He used to head Darusa International which uses the pyramid scheme structure to make money from people and even Moo-young’s father was scammed by them.

The episode also shows the story of a girl named Ho-jung, who gets caught in a pyramid scheme, where they make her buy products with a very small shelf life. She had to take loans etc to buy the products but was not able to sell anything and her debt kept on increasing. Not being able to find a way out, she takes her own life. Journalist Woo and Moo-young get to know about her while investigating Naevis well being and the associated companies. They found a blog by her where she mentioned the kind of work she had to do. In order to take these scamming companies down, they need to find the victims and evidence to take them to court.

On the other hand, Jay comes looking for Ro-um and gets into a cold argument with Moo-young. This urges him to call Ro-um again and tell her to come back. She accidentally picks up his phone when he tells her that a home is a person waiting for her, not a place, it somewhat changes her mind. To do things properly this time, she reaches out to Da-jeong again who has started working in a restaurant. She gives Ro-um a piece of her mind and how they are not some chess pieces that she can get rid of, as she pleases. She wants her to acknowledge their efforts for her, as they are putting their own lives on the line for Ro-um’s revenge.

Delightfully Deceitful Episode 9 Still 1
Still from Delightfully Deceitful Episode 9

Also Read: Lies Hidden in My Garden Episode 3 Recap/Review: Retributive Justice

Meanwhile, Yo-han ends up visiting Mo Jae-in (Park So-jin) for consultation but she refuses to be his therapist. They instead go out for lunch where he spills about Jeok-mok kids and how his mother helped in making them skilled criminals. She doesn’t pay much heed to it but when her colleagues talk about the case study they did on prodigy kids, she gets reminded about Ro-um and kids like her. Apparently, the professor took the help of her students to analyse the Jeok-mok kid’s psyche anonymously. On finding the files again, she gives them all to Yo-han and wants him to tell her everything that happened. She feels guilty that her analysis was used to make the kids’ lives hell.

Ever since Ma Kang-soo became part of the company, Kyung-ja has had to be on her toes. However, her position seems to be in danger when he asks for her to step down, as the deadline is approaching. It is not revealed what exactly is the deadline about but it might be crucial. After getting persuaded by Moo-young, Ro-um comes back to him and he promises to get justice but in his way, this time.

Delightfully Deceitful Episode 9 Still 2
Still from Delightfully Deceitful Episode 9

Delightfully Deceitful Episode 9 Review

It seems like Yo-han’s mother might be much more involved with the foundation than she has revealed. He might become an important factor in their plan to expose the foundation and their wrongdoings. There seems to be something nice brewing between Moo-young and Ro-um and even if it doesn’t translate into a romantic relationship, their empathetic friendship is quite heartwarming too.

Delightfully Deceitful aka Beneficial Fraud is available on Viu for streaming.

Also Read: All Our Delightfully Deceitful Recap/Reviews Here!


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