Love Is Blind Brazil Season 3 Reunion was live-streamed on July 2, 2023, where the contestants of the latest season revealed what their marriage has been like. And whether they are even in a marriage at all. (Casamento às Cegas: Brasil) is a Netflix dating reality show, directed by Cássia Dian and hosted by Camila Queiroz and Klebber Toledo.
What Happened in Love Is Blind Brazil Season 3 Reunion?
Along with the couple duo host, Amanda Souza from season 2 also acted as a host, delegating the live questions sent by the viewers. Other contestants like Luana, Thamara etc were invited to clear up the controversies that emerged after their appearance, regarding the originality of the show and the public breakups. The first question that was asked to everyone was if the couples are still together and more questions were asked later on, along with some awards.
Maria Carolina Caporusso and Menandro Rosa
Maria and Menandro declared that they are happily married to each other and she was even asked about the rumour that she already knew who would be on the show. She answered that she didn’t know anyone before coming to the pods and further delved into her relationship with her mother. Looking at the show, they realised that there were issues that needed to be worked on and thus, she has been going to therapy regarding it.
During the live show, the viewers complimented Menandro as the best contestant so far and the host nudged towards the fight related to following Barbara on social media. They called her up on the stage and straightaway asked if they are still following each other or if the issue is resolved. Barbara revealed that they don’t follow each other anymore out of respect for their respective partners and to avoid any misunderstanding.

Ágata Moura and Renan Justino
Before moving on to the couple, Ágata was awarded a ‘Me? Jealous?’ award for the scene where she found a love note on Renan’s whiteboard. She further explained the reason behind her insecurity regarding his exes, as Renan’s past relationships ended on a very bad and violent note. And she wanted to be sure that there are no lingering feelings or anything that would hamper her relationship later. Ana Carolina was also called on stage to clear the misunderstanding of how she lied about being the number 1 pick on Renan’s list. She tries to backtrack that she didn’t lie and said it at the moment, but it was a competition and tricks like this shouldn’t matter that much.

Karen Bacic and Valmir Reis
Karen and Valmir were the only couples that kept their relationship status away from the social media eyes completely. And for a good reason, as they broke up just after two weeks of being together. Karen commented that she felt disrespected, invalidated and uncomfortable living together. Valmir had even asked her to move out within three days of the show getting over. In response, Valmir said that he couldn’t find compatibility in their regular lives and decided to call it quits as he was unhappy. He also denied being in a relationship when he first appeared on the show but his response sounded a bit iffy as he said that it was an ‘on & off relationship’.

He kept on justifying his actions by saying that he came for an experience and didn’t have marriage as the definite goal. Hosts were definitely taking a dig at him and questioning his intentions for coming to the show. Followed by calling Italo Antonelli on the stage, who was evidently furious with Valmir’s behaviour on the show & later on. The hosts then asked Karen if she would like to tell everyone about her life after the breakup.
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Karen then revealed that she actually reached out to Italo later on and he reciprocated the same feelings. Thus, they have been seeing each other since then. Adding salt to Valmir’s bruised ego, the audience and hosts urged them to kiss on stage. While Italo joined the audience, towards the end of the show, he reemerged on the stage and proposed to Karen. They exchanged rings with each other and got engaged in front of everyone.

Daniela Silva and Daniel Manzoni
Daniela and Daniel are also happily married to each other and while talking to them, his conversation with Patricia came up. He had shunned her for talking about sex openly, later on the show he was the one talking about intricate details about his sex life with other contestants. His hypocritical nature was questioned by the viewers and in response, he apologised to Patricia and said that he has learnt from his mistakes. Patricia also came to the stage and cleared any ill will if there was. His mother, Simone also got an award for the wholesome conversation she had before his wedding.

Bianca Sessa and Jarbas Andrade
While they are still married, there seems to be some tension among the couple. They even revealed how frequently fights have happened between them but they are seeking couples therapy to work on their relationship. They were honest about the changes in their lives after the show and how adapting had been hard on both of them. But they are committed to each other and hope to make it work.

Love is Blind Brazil Season 3 is currently streaming on Netflix.
What are your thoughts on the latest season of the show? Let us know in the comments below.
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