My Perfect Stranger Episode 8 Recap/Review: Truth and Lies Blur Into Each Other

My Perfect Stranger Episode 8

My Perfect Stranger Episode 8 brings everything to square one, leaving Hae-jun and Yoon-young in a difficult situation. Titled 어쩌다 마주친 그대 in Korean, the title roughly translates to ‘A chance encounter with you’ and even called Run Into You.

In the last episode, Hae-jun (Kim Dong-wook) receives a phone call from Bum-ryong where he asks for his help & tells him that the teacher has been murdered. Both Hae-jun and Yoon-young (Jin Ki-joo) reach there in shock and find the teacher’s corpse tied up with red rope and the same matchbox with the note ‘women who read are dangerous’ was found. Hae-jun heckles Bum-ryong if he is the one who killed her since the ring was missing from her finger & found in his pocket.

However, he pleads that he didn’t kill her and actually got the ring from the teacher, yesterday afternoon. It makes them realise that she in fact didn’t leave the village if she met him yesterday. Just then police cars are seen making their way to the crime scene, even though they didn’t inform the police about it. Fearing being framed, they seem to run away from the scene and it transitions to the next day where another murder has happened.

The second victim, Kyung-ae was eventually killed the same night and her body was found at an abandoned house in the morning. This leaves Hae-jun and Yoon-young completely shocked since they have been trying so hard to save all the victims, yet they all turned up dead in new places. This leaves Hae-jun hopeless and he decides to just go back to the future & accept his fate as it seems inevitable.

My Perfect Stranger Episode 8 Still 1
Still from My Perfect Stranger Episode 8

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On the other hand, Yoon-young wants to help her mother and the family from any other tragedy. Hearing the news about the eldest daughter’s death, the mother regrets not being loving enough to her. She feels guilty and in her remorse, she tries to occupy herself by doing house chores and accidentally cuts her wrist. She is saved by Soon-ae on time, and Yoon-young tries to know from Hae-jun if her grandmother will also die because of all this. As she was not aware of how she died before her birth.

While Hae-jun had locked himself in the garage and refused to talk to anyone, when he hears the neighbours searching for the mother, he runs out of the house. It turns out that he knew what will happen to Kyung-ae’s mother and reaches the exact location – the cliff, from where she was about to jump to her death. He tries to stop her by reminding her of the other two kids & they need their mother as well.

His attempts were successful and he once again changed the past by saving her. It makes Yoon-young hopeful that he hasn’t given up entirely and will be looking for the culprit until they find the person. They once again take a look at their investigation board & rule out Min-su and Bum-ryong from the suspect list. This leaves Hee-sub as the prime suspect, thus, they pay him a visit before the police arrest him.

My Perfect Stranger Episode 8 Still 2
Still from My Perfect Stranger Episode 8

They try to look for any evidence at his house and find a bloodied cloth hidden in the cupboard. As soon as they question why is it there? He blurts out that it’s his and he has committed all the murders. At the same time, a flashback from the last night shows that he went to the tea house to meet Ko Mi-suk, where she gives him the blue cap back and says that he should have disposed of it well.

She talks about his brother and tells him that she knows Hee-sub is trying to protect his brother, while she has someone that she wants to get rid of. Mi-suk then whispers something in his ear, which is not revealed. Hearing Hee-sub’s confession, Hae-jun tries to ask him again, in case he is lying but he stays adamant on his words. Yoon-young tells Hae-jun to just go and let him get arrested and just then his police officer uncle turns up & arrests him on the basis of his confession. He also warns Hae-jun to be careful as he was seen at every crime location.

On the way back, Yoon-young tries to make sense of her everything that happened and apologises to Hae-jun since her father is the culprit. But he doesn’t believe any of it and says that he is definitely trying to protect someone else & is not the real culprit. Also, Hae-jun’s dad was introduced briefly and could be the one to help them get back in time.

My Perfect Stranger Episode 8 Still 3
Still from My Perfect Stranger Episode 8

Summing Up: My Perfect Stranger Episode 8

The episode had so many loopholes. First of all the transition from one murder to another was confusing leaving us questioning if Hae-jun ran away from the scene with Bum-ryong and if he did then where is the boy? Also, if the teacher didn’t leave the village then Soon-ae’s dad needs to be questioned about where did he drop her, as he was the one driving the bus.

Lastly, Yoon-young got to know about the murders from Mi-suk’s manuscript and where to find the victim as well. Then wouldn’t it contain information about the others as well, yet the script hasn’t been mentioned again when it could contain other clues. Currently, the show seems all over the place and leaves loose ends without any explanation.

My Perfect Stranger is available for streaming on Viki.

Also Read: My Perfect Stranger Recap/Reviews Here!


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